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The Liberal Youth Foundation (LYF) will render support to young liberals from around the world to participate in international events, particularly for those facing financial obstacles. We are happy and proud to announce our first opportunity to apply as an individual! In relation to the upcoming General Assembly of the International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY), LYF will support the participation of one or two individuals to attend the event in Barcelona from November 23-25 2018.

Application requirements

  • Motivation letter, highlighting your commitment to the liberal cause and your experience with liberal organizations; your expectations for the Barcelona event; and, your ideas on how to bring back the experience to your local organization. 500-700 words.
  • Intended budget, including potential other sources of income
  • Preferred, but not obligatory: CV (maximum two A4 pages) and reference letter

Please submit this to by October 13th 23:59 CET.


  • 100% attendance during the GA and potential preparations as described by IFLRY
  • Become engaged with the LYF network
  • Potentially be featured on our website and social media
  • Commit to an activity to bring back the experience to your local organization (preferably something that can be shared or referenced via our social media channels)

We aim to create an LYF network of alumni of this international liberal stipend programme that allows young people to attend an in-person liberal event. This network will connect young liberal activists that might be facing similar challenges, and get them closer to the global liberal family.