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Considering that global travel is still severely restricted due to the global pandemic and based on our intention that the LYF Fellowship is meant to be used by the fellows to the fullest, we have decided to prolong the deadline until December 31st, 2021. We hope that by postponing the start of the Fellowship, the selected Fellows will be able to get the most out of the Fellowship. We have updated this below:

Now that we’re slowly returning to ‘the new normal’, the Liberal Youth Foundation (LYF) wants to support young liberal activists and their involvement with the international community. To ensure ongoing visibility, we are now launching the LYF Fellowship! 

For 2022, up to three Fellows are selected. Read more about the application process below. Please note, the deadline for applications is December 31st 2021, 23:59PM CET. 

What does the Fellowship entail?

A LYF Fellow is a youth activist adhering to the liberal values: build and safeguard free, fair and open societies including respect for the individual and minorities achieved through a democratic system of governance and with a flourishing market economy that is operating within the limits of a fair distribution of wealth and environmental sustainability. To strengthen the international liberal network, LYF will support selected Fellows each year to participate in activities, contribute to the network and learn with and from others. A Fellow is typically coming from a region where financial support for international activism is not widely available. 

The Fellow will be selected by the LYF Board for a one-year period and will be encouraged to attend events in the global liberal community and receive financial support from LYF for up to two of those events. The LYF Fellow will also have access to the liberal alumni network. When supported by LYF, the Fellows will be expected to  contribute to the events they attend, the LYF/IFLRY communication channels, as well as the (virtual) donor events that take place during that and the subsequent calendar year.

What is expected from Fellows?

Application process

Please submit your application to beforeDecember 31st 2021, 23:59PM CET. The application should include:

  • A resume including details on country of origin and residency, and history of political activism (max. 2 pages)
  • An essay outlining your stance on a political topic in your constituency and/or liberal philosophy more broadly (max. 500 words)
  • 1 letter of recommendation. This can for example, be written by a board member of your political (youth) organization, or another individual that knows you well in a professional setting.
  • Optional: 2 minute video introducing yourself

You will receive an outcome of the application process review in January. Fellows are appointed for a 1-year (12-month) period.


During one year, LYF Fellows actively participate in the activities of the international liberal network. Fellows will be encouraged to attend multiple events and will receive financial support for up to two events, depending on the details and funding per event. This will be confirmed after the successful application of the Fellow and on an event-to-event basis. For each event, the Fellow will be responsible to secure their spot through the regular event application processes. For each of the events, Fellows will be required to:

  • contribute actively to the events they attend. This can be anything between hosting a panel to sharing best-practices or any other activity that is relevant. The exact role will be determined in collaboration with the Fellow and event organizers.
  • share their experience via the LYF/IFLRY communication channels. The exact contributions will be determined in collaboration with the Fellow and event organizers. 

Besides the event-based activities, Fellows are asked to contribute to the (virtual) donor events that take place during the Fellowship period.



After one year of Fellowship, each Fellow will join the LYF Alumni network and will be involved in future activities of the Foundation.


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